You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.6. PLANT + MAINTENANCE Menu: Micronet Plant Maintenance > 5.6.5. Plant + Maintenance - Schedule Job Cards > Managing Jobs > Moving Job Assignments to Different Dates/Times
Moving Job Assignments to Different Dates/Times

This topic explains how to change the date and/or time of a job that has been assigned to an employee by dragging the job assignment in the Job Scheduler.


Technical Tip

You can also change the date/time of a job assignment, along with other details, by editing it (refer to "Editing Job Assignments").

  1. Open the Job Scheduler.

Refer to "Accessing the Job Scheduler".

Micronet displays the Schedule Job Cards screen with the display preferences you last saved, and showing any jobs for the current date.

  1. Select the job assignment you want to move then use your mouse to drag it to the new date/time.

In the screen below, you can see that the Wednesday booking has been moved to Friday.

  1. If you want to move a job assignment to a date that you can't see on the current screen:

Micronet moves the job assignment to the new position.

  1. To change the duration of a job assignment, select the job assignment and then:

In the screen below, you can see that the Friday booking has been changed to start at 9.00 am.